Diaper Bag Essentials (for a toddler)

Diaper Bag Essentials (for a toddler)

I am one of those moms, I'll admit, that overpacks and has a shoulder.  I also have an everyday toddler storytime on Mondays and on Tuesdays, Sunday school, and Friday.   I've learned to keep a fully packed bag in the car and to restock my diaper bag as soon as we get home.  Angel also has a little bag pack she carries with diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and snacks. I put an extra outfit and shoes in the car bag (just in case we go to the splash pad or she had a little accident) That usually stays in the car. 
Here's what is in my diaper bag: 
1.  Diapers (cloth) Along with her Angel Baby bum cream. 
2. Katie blooms remedies.
3. A box of crayons...because coloring is good anywhere and someplace don't have them! (What?!?!)
4. Child safe hand sanitizer. (My girls are not tall enough to reach the sink.)
5. Snacks, I buy graham cracker sticks and keep my reusable baggies full of cut-up fruit. (If vacations or long trips I usually bring a cooler)
6. Sippy cup with water. 
7. Books...my girl loves to read. 
8. Sunglasses, sunscreen, and a sunhat. 
9. First aid kit .just in the case in case of slips or cuts. 
10. Stickers. Who doesn't love stickers? 
12. A bib. or two.  Angel has a Bumkins waterproof bib.
14. Lotion for Angel. Especially now that the weather is changing, 

Yes all of that fits in my diaper bag):   ๐Ÿ˜‘ 

Potty training ๐Ÿ˜‘

I started the potty training process when my daughter was around 1 and a half.  At about 2 she began to seriously hate being in a dirty diaper. She would immediately tell me when she needed a new "diaper" and as soon as I taught her where they were. Being my first child, I had no idea when to begin potty training her. When she turned 2 and a half months old I excitedly went out and bought her her very own potty and began a routine of having her sit on it every day.  so, every day I would take her to the potty as soon as she woke up, every 45 minutes, right after a nap, after lunch, again every 45 minutes until dinner, after dinner. As soon as she used the public restroom she no longer was interested in her little potty, she was all about the "big pot". She's a whopping 24 lbs and just under 3 ft so I still hold onto her in public restrooms (also because I'm a germaphobe and don't want her to touch anything) but at home she usually prefers privacy. I think the biggest thing that helped us is that we didn't rush her. We didn't force her to use the potty and we didn't get mad if she peed in her diaper. Instead, we praised her and celebrated each time she used her potty and she quickly learned that's the route she wanted to take. "I did it! Mommy I pooped! Wash hands?" 

Yeah. She is so big ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Tips & tricks for teething baby dolls !๐Ÿ˜ท

 first , get a smoothie :) let the teething begin! .Angel began teething at 2years old months and hasn't stopped yet:)  She is wonderful and I am told how lucky I am all the time. I watched twelve teeth tear right through her little gums without a fuss. Then came the molars. Ugh. Poor angel just wanted to be held all

 day and refused to eat anything but carrots & celery .

 This went on for about 3 days before I began to worry. Upon my own research and the advice from her toy nurse ,

, I learned how to help her be a little more comfortable as those last teeth come in. In case you're going through the same thing here are some tips and tricks I've used: In the beginning, I would apply pressure and gently massage her gums regularly and often she would chew on my good ol' fashion (freshly washed) fingers but then she got more teeth..so we tried other natural remedies such as:   Frozen teething rings, at first she really liked them, now she needs something harder.  Vibrating teethers were her favorite for awhile too.  Raspberries or a regular pacifier.  Angel
 had no interest in the raspberry but almost always wants her "binky" at night.   Wooden teething necklaces and toys are great for gnawing on. Etsy.com is a great place to get one. Always make sure any toys you let your little one put in their mouth are way too big for them to choke on.     Now you might think this next one is gross, and at first so did I, but just trust me for whatever reason... fresh green onion works on a close watch.It bums the baby's teeth and makes it so that she can not swallow it . Only allow your baby to chew on it.

  When the pain becomes too much for them, try Hylands teething tablets, they work like a charm!  I've also tried mesh feeders, frozen wash cloths, and gum brushers, none were effective for Angel  Now days, Angel  just chews on her own fingers mostly and that's okay by me.     By the way, not wanting to eat is completely a normal phase infants go through.like water or carrot smoothies  It hurts to chew so they would rather not. Just continue to offer healthy foods and when they are ready to eat, they will:) Good luck!;)  Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Why We Choose to Eat Organic I guess you could call me a research-aholic. Anyone who knows me knows I like to research everything before buying anything. So needless to say, when I had pizza so say  I needed to be informed of what was best for her. It opened my eyes to a whole world that I never knew existed! So many different brands and styles of absolutely everything! It was completely overwhelming but I got through it. I just assumed I would breastfeed until she wanted to stop and then I would make my own baby food. Simple enough, I thought. Well when breastfeeding turned out to be nearly impossible for me after 9 months I was completely depressed. I tried everything and I mean everything. I just stopped producing enough milk for her. I came to grips with the fact that my plan had withered. What was I going to do now? I hadn't even researched formulas. Well on to google I went. For the next 6 months Angel was on a very good formula and began eating . My sister
 and I made the decision that Angel  would eat all organic. I buy the groceries so I do the most research and I have tried and tested a ton of different foods. I have come to realize, although a bit more pricey, organic food is so much better for your body. And you can't put a price on my daughters health. I remember reading an article that said that a childs palet is formed in the first 3 years. If they never ate junk food they would never have a taste for it and in the long run would basically only want the healthy food you fed them. (YAY!) I can only hope that is true. Grocery shopping is no easy task but it is worth it. I typically have to shop every week (healthy foods go bad so fast, darn it!) at stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, Fresh N Easy,  Trader Joes and of course our trusty farmers markets.  Here are some healthy meal ideas (and some of Angel's favorites) from my family to yours:  Organic french toast, organic apples and strawberries wih organic yogurt. (almond milk)   Gluten-Free Spinach Alfredo, Light Cesar Salad...   Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Dairy Free Waffles with Organic Strawberries & Organic Rasberries   Gluten Free, All natural chicken nuggets with organic ketchup, organic apples & naval oranges  Organic Egg whites topped with Gluten Free, Organic Turkey Sausage, Organic Berries and Half of a Organic Banana.
 I also discovered suja ? With : Lemon kale spinach parsley mint and ..Celery ? Yuck !๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ซnoo! 
 Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Newer PostsOlder PostsHome Subscribe to: Posts .This non profit organization is very near and dear to me. I want to encourage everyone to try volunteering once. Just once. And see if you don't absolutely love it! It's called Feed My Starving Children and you can read what they are all about and how to help out on their website! Now please go!! www.fmsc.org   Ethereal theme. Powered by Blogger.

The Anxiety- virus ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I have been having the same bad dream for a couple days now . When I closed my eyes I see a bloody claw , and then I dont know if it's a bad dream or a  thought but I see and old women looking very young and had red eyes . It really is scary and when I open my eyes she isn't there๐Ÿ˜จ . It started happening last month, so ... A month of horror dreams ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฑ it's so weird I never have had dreams it just started happening  when the Coronavirus   started , well not the day but  in the 9th month .do you have any bad dreams ? Tell me in the comments . The Lord  wouldn't want  you to  worry about any kind of bad dream or  anything . Sometimes the bad
dreams. And we all have worries so no need to feel ashamed .
  Bad dreams come from something you have watched like a movie or a ad on a video you watched . Or maybe the Anemy is playing a trick on you . It  you are  ever nervous do this :  I sleep a lot . And pray  , its  very relaxing . Also what I like to do is go on my blog and write about how  I am feeling ๐Ÿ‘ it helps to talk about it with your loved ones. That's so for today 
Have a great day and comment below ๐Ÿ˜Š

The game of escape 3#

We walked inside And saw  Nana
crying ๐Ÿ˜ข I was  confused ๐Ÿ˜• so I looked around and then the day  I left all the fruit was beautiful and ripe . Now they are all rotten .
and I saw the drawer were all our special stuff was , and instead of had junk and money in it . 
I was so mad were was my favorite toy ? We're were my family ?then I got a call from 911 telling me to go to my auntie hopes house . When I got there I was confused ๐Ÿ˜• like very confused ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜ฏ 
but I was excited .  And for some reason they pretended that then being here was a surprise party for me ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜Š  but before  we left there was a very important thing to do . Have a group hug  ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ 
They explained everything .We were trying to make a welcome home how are you  party ๐Ÿ˜Š thank you For reading and I will see you tomorrow๐Ÿ˜Š bye 

Well, we made it home safely and they explained everything. Did a little different  Here 

The game of escape #2 .

Hey, guys welcome back! Here is series 2# of the game of escape so read this to see our daring and scary destinations. And a fun day with Nana! First I go to a different universe Which always has a door right when you come in.

Which leads to a different universe. 
Then there's another door that leads to a secret room There is a lock on the  door so that Nobody 

 in particular walks in ๐Ÿ’ƒ 

That we're ready and found the passcode we escape 
We escaped now there is no turning back now !well, I don't know if I want to go. I will be leaving my mom and dad my nana and Littlest sister. And everything else ๐Ÿ˜ฅ ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ต maybe I can leave in a nonfeeling sad and !making the feeling way. Plan B, behind
next, we went behind the bushes on the leeward side.
the bushes.๐ŸŒฌ ๐Ÿ™€    I saw ghosts. Really creepy ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ’€  but then I saw a really huge house and I was really hot so I thought I would take a peek. But it was the opposite of what I was expecting .to be Continued....... 

A game of escape

me and my sister are playing a game ๐ŸŽฎ we are   trying to escapewe are  a little nervous so I'm giving us a,sec 

We are ready ๐Ÿ‘. We are going outside to do it . Well,  we are going to sleep at a hotel, Very small. 
it's not all bad but really beautiful on the inside.
now we are unpacking . My sister packed a lot .I pack a little backpack.Next , we are bored so we are going to do random stuff.
now we are going to sleep . We had a 
Long day .

that's it ๐Ÿ‘ thank you guys so much for reading! check out  a game of escape 2# ! Byeeee 

WE HEARD SOUNDS..... STALKER? **Prank on my sister** She took this way too seriously๐Ÿ˜‚Publish when 11 years old

 Hey Guys! I don't really know what I should call what I think it is so I'm going to call him/Her a stalker... I and my sister heard...